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RRB JE 2025 Exam is an excellent chance for turning your dreams into reality! Get detailed information about RRB JE 2025, Salary, Syllabus, Preparation Guide, Admit Card, Latest Exam Pattern and Exam Results. Boost your preparation journey with the Online Test Series now!
RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) conducts RRB JE recruitment exam for selecting suitable candidates for the post of Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent (DMS), Junior Engineer (IT), & Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA).
The official notification for RRB JE 2025 is expected to be released in coming few weeks. Keep checking this space for further updates regarding RRB JE 2025.
The RRB JE 2025 exam consists of 2 separate CBTs (Computer Based Tests) which will be conducted on different dates as decided by board. The exam pattern of RRB JE 2025 is explained below:
a) The test will be having a total of 100 questions of 90 minutes duration carrying one mark each.
b) There would be a penalty of 1/3rd marks for each wrong answer marked by the candidate.
a) This test will be having a total of 150 questions of 120 minutes duration.
The RRB JE Exam date 2025 shall be announced after the RRB JE 2025 Notification is released by Railway Recruitment Board.
• Open the official website of RRB
• Now click on "Apply Now" button visible on the screen
• Then, Click on "New Registration" link available on the RRB JE application form 2025
• After that provide all required details such as Your name, address, email ID etc. which are marked mandatory in the application form
• The newly generated registration ID and password shall be sent to your registered mobile number and email ID as entered by you previously.
• Now, upload all the necessary documents, Photo and Signature which are marked mandatory in the form.
• Finally make the required payment of the Application Fee and take some printouts of the final application form for future reference
Note: For the unreserved category, Rs. 400 will be refunded once the candidate appears for the CBT 1. For other category candidates, complete application fee will be refunded after CBT 1 exam.
Mathematics: Number system, LCM and HCF, BODMAS, Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Fractions, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, Square Root, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern, Age Calculations etc
General Intelligence & Reasoning: Coding and Decoding, Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Relationships, Syllogism, Mathematical operations, Jumbling, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Venn Diagram, Conclusions, Decision Making, Analytical reasoning, Similarities and Differences, Classification, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions, Directions etc.
General Awareness:Indian geography, culture and history of India including freedom struggle, Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian Polity and constitution, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Indian Economy, General scientific and technological developments, Sports etc.
General Science:Chemistry, Physics and Life Sciences (Based on 10th Standard CBSE Syllabus)
Physics and Chemistry:Questions in this section will be based on your 10th & 12th standard Physics and Chemistry syllabus. Also, there would be a total of 15 questions in this section.
Basics of Computer Application:Computer Architecture, Storage devices, Input and Output devices, Operating System (such as Windows, Unix, Linux), Networking, MS Office, Internet and Email, Various data representation, Computer Virus, Websites & Web Browsers
Environment and Pollution Control: Basics of Environment, Adverse effect of environmental pollution, Environmental Pollution control strategies, Air pollution, water pollution and Noise pollution, Effect and Control, Waste Management, Acid rain, Ozone depletion, Global warming
Technical Ability:The syllabus of this section depends upon the relevant technical discipline opted by the candidate for RRB JE exam. It will have questions based on the Engineering streams such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, IT, Electronics & Communication, Computer Engineering, Instrumentation & Measurement Engineering, Engineering Drawing & Graphics etc.
Environment & Pollution (Basics): Questions will be designed from topics concerning Environmental Pollution, Sources, Control Methods, etc.
The RRB JE 2025 exam is yet to be conducted, so for now, you may go through the previous years’ exam cut off marks to get an idea of the trends for the cut off marks. Here are the previous years’ RRB JE Cut off marks.
The vacancy detail of RRB JE 2025 shall be available along with the official notification in coming days.
In the last recruitment process in 2019, a total of 12844 vacancies were released for the post of RRB JE post & 29 vacancies were released for RRB JE(IT) post.
The salary structure for RRB JE employees varies as per city in which they are posted.
The in-hand salary of RRB JE employees during the training period is around Rs.35,400/- & after successful completion of training, they receive an amount of Rs.
The salary structure of RRB JE 2025 as per 7th pay commission is tabulated below.
o Selected aspirants will have to work as supervisors (work Inspector) in the civil engineering department.
o Responsible for periodical accounting verification of stores & tools.
o They need to ensure that the Railway Tracks are maintained on timely basis for safe & smooth operation of trains.
o RRB JE-Civil are responsible for construction of railway buildings, water supply, etc.
o They are also responsible for periodic maintenance of workshops, bridges and construction in railway division.
o The RRB JE Electrical Engineers are responsible for maintenance of electric locomotive, equipment overhead, traction distribution, air conditioning & Lightening in the train, power supply, etc.
o Also, they are accountable for Safeguarding and producing the mainline of EMU’s & electric locomotives.
o Monitoring & maintenance of valuable equipment such as OHE and substations (PS).
o The main responsibility of an electronics engineer is to oversee the signalling installation of the railway stations.
o They are also responsible for finalization of work budget proposal, revenue, and periodic review.
o The major responsibility of RRB JE in mechanical branch is to check the component’s condition of passenger coaches & goods wagon.
o Maintenance of rolling stock of diesel to make it defect free.
o Updating content on the railway’s official website on regular basis.
o Also, the office equipment like fax machines and photocopiers, etc should be managed & maintained on regular basis.
Applicant must fall under the age group of 18-33 years.
There is a provision of certain Age relaxations depending upon the category of candidates which is tabulated below:
Candidates applying for the post of RRB JE 2025 must possess a bachelor’s degree in any of the below mentioned Engineering stream (as per applicability) for the post they are applying for.