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RRB NTPC 2025 Exam is an excellent chance for turning your dreams into reality! Get detailed information about RRB NTPC Exam Date 2025, Salary, Syllabus, Preparation Guide, Admit Card, Latest Exam Pattern and Exam Results. Boost your preparation journey with the Online Test Series now!
RRB NTPC Recruitment Exam is conducted by Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) for recruiting candidates for Non-Technical Popular Categories (NTPC). RRB conducts Railway examinations like NTPC and other exams giving candidates an opportunity to grab a job in Railways (Government Sector) in India. RRB NTPC Recruitment is specially for those candidates who have Graduated from one of the recognised universities of India.
wii be announced soon
As per the latest notice of RRB, Railway will recruit 35,208 vacancies for the posts of NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Categories) through Railway NTPC 2019-2020 Exam. Earlier, the vacancy announced for RRB NTPC 2019-2020 Exam was 35,277. Let's have a look at the post wise vacancy for Railway NTPC 2019-2020 Exam.
On September 5, 2020, Railway Recruitment Board has released the RRB NTPC Exam Dates. RRB will conduct all railway exams like RRB NTPC, RRC Group D, and RRB Ministerial and Isolated Categories from 15th Of December 2020 onwards. A detailed exam schedule for RRB NTPC 2020 exam will be announced soon by the board. RRB had notified 140640 vacancies for different examinations. More than 2.40 crore candidates had applied for these RRB examinations.
There are 4 stages of the selection process in RRB NTPC exam:
Go through the Below mentioned patterns for the 1st Stage CBT examination and 2nd Stage CBT examination.
Total number of questions asked in the 1st Stage Examination of RRB NTPC are 100 having a total of 100 marks. Every question carries 1 mark each & 0.33 Marks are deducted for every wrong answer marked. The total duration of the 1st Stage CBT Exam of RRB NTPC is 90 Minutes having total duration of 120 minutes. Note- The category wise minimum percentage of marks required to qualify the 1st Stage CBT RRB NTPC examination is: UR-40%, EWS- 40% OBC-30%, SC- 30%, ST- 25%
Below table explains the pattern of the 2nd Stage CBT examination. In this stage, the candidates shall be selected in the ratio of 1:20 times the vacancies of the category. The shortlisting is based on the performance of the candidates in the 1st stage of the CBT exam.
Total number of questions asked in the 2nd Stage CBT Exam RRB NTPC are 120. The RRB NTPC Exam is conducted for 120 marks. Every question carries 1 mark each & 0.33 Marks are deducted for every wrong answer marked. The duration of the 2nd Stage RRB NTPC CBT Exam is 90 Minutes. The duration of the 2nd Stage RRB NTPC CBT for the PWD exam is 120 minutes. Note- The category wise minimum percentage of marks required to qualify the 1st Stage CBT RRB NTPC examination is: UR-40%, EWS- 40% OBC-30%, SC- 30%, ST- 25%
(For Candidates Opting -Traffic Assistant and Station Master Post) Candidates applying for the post Traffic assistant and station master need to undergo CBAT (Computer Based Aptitude Test). The shortlisting process for CBAT will be done based on the marks obtained in the 2nd Stage of the CBT Exam. The candidates who have scored at least 70% of marks in the 2nd Stage and 30% of marks in the CBAT examination will be considered for selection in the merit list.
Typing Skill Test (TST):Typing skill test shall be conducted for posts like Senior Clerk Cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Accounts Clerk, Junior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk Cum typist. The typing Skill test will be Qualifying in nature. The writing/typing speed should be at least 30 WPM in English of 25 WPM in Hindi on a personal computer only. (without use of any tools). It is to be noted that "Typing Test" is qualifying in nature. Candidates who are giving the typing test in Hindi, Kruti Dev, and Mangal, the font shall be made available for them on their PC during the examination process.
The document verification will be based on the performance of the candidates in the 2nd stage CBT exam. Document verification will be compulsory for all candidates as the candidates who miss the Document verification will not be considered for the Merit list. The original documents like SSC Marksheet, Minimum educational qualification certificate, Experience Certificates (if any), Category Certificate, etc. need to presented at that time. Below mentioned are the list of documents that are required to be produced:
7th (Last Phase) of CBT-1 has been Announced by Railway Recruitment Board on as soon 2025 which is going to take place on wii be announced soon Candidates.
Note: Downloading of E-Call letters will start 4 days prior to the exam date mentioned in Exam City and date intimation link.
Candidates are requested to keep checking the official websites as the RRB releases the RRB NTPC exam dates on the websites of respective Regional RRBs. To know more about the zone wise official websites, do check the below table:
Indian railway is divided into various zones. All the zonal boards release separate vacancies for various posts. The various zones are mentioned in the following table. Candidates must apply separately for all the regional posts.
NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Category) Exam is conducted by RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) for recruiting candidates for the various posts like Junior Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerks, Goods guard, etc. The application process is one of the most important steps of the recruitment process & candidates applying for RRB NTPC 2025 must know how to apply for RRB NTPC 2025 exam as any incorrect or blank information in the mandatory fields will result into disqualification of the candidature. So the candidates should know how to apply for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2025 along with the detail of important documents to be uploaded in the application form. The candidates need to apply for RRB NTPC 2025 directly from the official website of RRB as per the Zone for which they are applying.
Candidates need to pay the RRB NTPC application fees within the time specified in the official notification otherwise without payment the candidature shall be deemed cancelled. The RRB NTPC online application fee for different category candidates are as mentioned below:
The above table shows Exam Pattern & Subjects as per RRB NTPC 1st stage Syllabus. A total 100 questions will be asked in the 1st Stage exam of RRB NTPC which needs to be completed within a time limit of 90 minutes. The Syllabus of RRB NTPC Stage I exam is mentioned below.
The above table shows Exam Pattern & Subjects as per RRB NTPC 2nd stage Syllabus. A total 120 questions will be asked in the 2nd Stage exam of RRB NTPC which needs to be completed within a time limit of 90 minutes. The Syllabus of RRB NTPC Stage 2 exam is mentioned below.
Cut off is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score in order to qualify the pre-exam and become eligible for mains & other rounds of selection process. Railway Recruitment Board decides the Cut off Marks for RRB NTPC by Itself. Candidates are required to secure the minimum RRB NTPC cut off marks to qualify each stage of the exam. The cut off in RRB NTPC is decided based on below mentioned factors:
The following table shows the region-wise RRB NTPC Cut-off of the year 2015-2016
Presently the latest RRB NTPC vacancy 2025 have not been released yet for this year, however as per the last Notification released in 2019 for RRB NTPC, a total number of 35208 vacancies were released by the Board for RRB NTPC Posts like Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Assistant Station Master, etc out of which 10,603 vacancies were released for RRB NTPC Undergraduate Posts & 24605 vacancies were released for the RRB NTPC Graduate Posts. Below are the complete post-wise details of RRB NTPC Vacancy.
Check out the Job Profile/responsibilities as per the various posts released by RRB:
The RRB comes under the central government. Hence the candidates who are recruited through RRB NTPC can enjoy all the benefits given to an employee who works under the central government as per 7th pay commission.
Following are the allowances and benefits in the railway sector in addition to the basic pay. The selected candidates will be enjoying the following allowances:
Following are the salary and allowance details for the posts Junior Clerk cum Typist, Train Clerk, Junior Time Keeper, Account Clerk cum Typist.
Following is the Promotion hierarchy for the different posts of RRB NTPC
The candidates applying for RRB NTPC Exam must satisfy various eligibility criteria like age, educational qualification, nationality as defined by the board. The candidate who does not satisfy the eligibility criteria will be rejected so always go through the official notification in order to cross check the eligibility criteria. The candidates applying for this examination must be between 18-30 years of age for undergraduate posts and 18-33 years for Graduate posts.
The selected candidates who are called for the document verification process need to pass the medical fitness test conducted by RRB. The candidates who are fit to carry out the duties shall be considered in the merit list. The visual standard is one of the most important criteria in a medical fitness test. Following are the details of the medical standards that a candidate needs to fulfil.