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RRB ALP 2025 Exam is an excellent chance for turning your dreams into reality! Get detailed information about RRB ALP 2025, Salary, Syllabus, Preparation Guide, Admit Card, Latest Exam Pattern and Exam Results. Boost your preparation journey with the Online Test Series now!
RRB ALP is a national-level recruitment exam conducted for the recruitment of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians in Indian Railways. This recruitment exam is generally organized and managed by any one of the Regional Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB) for all the 21 regions.
The official RRB ALP notification 2025 is released on 19th January 2024 by the Railway Recruitment Board.
RRB ALP Exam will be conducted in 3 stages for ‘Assistant Loco Pilot’ posts followed by document verification process.
• Stage I CBT
• Stage II CBT (Part A, Part B)
• Computer Based Aptitude Test
As per the last notification, the test will be of qualifying in nature & will be of 60 minutes duration having 75 questions asked from subjects viz., Mathematics, General Science, General Intelligence & Reasoning, & General awareness.
For every incorrect answer marked, there will be a negative marking of the 1/3 marks of the total mark allocated for that question.
Candidates qualifying the Stage I CBT will be allowed to appear in Stage II CBT which will be conducted in two parts- Part A & Part B as tabulated below:
Note: For every incorrect answer marked, there will be a negative marking of the 1/3 marks of the total mark allocated for that question.
This Aptitude test will be an online test (Computer Based) which will be qualifying in nature. Candidates need to score a certain cut off marks as decided by the board in each of the tests to qualify it.
Note: There will be no Negative Marking in the Aptitude Test of Stage III
The official RRB ALP 2025 Notification has not been released yet. The dates shall be updated once the same is updated by the RRB Board.
Once the notification is released, follow the below mentioned steps in order to Apply Online for RRB ALP 2025.
Step 1:Click on the link mentioned in the official notification once it is released to apply online.
Step 2:Provide your basic details like Candidates Name, Category, date of birth, Phone number, email id etc.
Step 3:Then upload your recent passport size photograph and along with signature & after verifying the information click on submit to save the basic details.
Step 4:After that, select your respective language and zone as per convenience.
Step 5:Finally, make the online payment of the Application fee using either Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking or through Payment Gateway.
Step 6:Candidates are advised to download/Print a few copies of completely filled application form along with some photographs.
Note: The Transaction charges of bank (application Fees/intimation charges), will be borne by the applicants.
The syllabus for Stage I CBT and Stage II CBT are mentioned below. Please do not consider these topics as the only source of information for this Exam as these are indicative not exhaustive in nature.
The RRB ALP exam shall be conducted in 4 stages having 2 CBT (Computer Based Test). For every CBT candidate needs to secure a minimum Cut Off marks and minimum qualifying marks respectively.
Step 1:Once the results are declared, click on the link provided on the official RRB website for checking Cut off marks.
Step 2:Now enter your Roll Number /or Registration Number along with Password/DOB.
Step 3:Finally click on the ‘Download’ button which you will see on the next screen and check the RRB ALP 2025 Cut Off marks.
As per the last year’s notification, there is a minimum qualifying mark for every CBT of RRB ALP Recruitment process as tabulated below categorically:
The Official notification for RRB ALP 2025 is not yet announced. The vacancy details shall be updated once the same is released by the RRB board.
Let's have a look at the region wise vacancy details for the year 2018 to have an approx. idea about the vacancies which we can expect for railway loco pilot 2025
Out of total 5696 vacancies released in 2025, 27795 vacancies were released for RRB loco pilot posts & remaining 36576 vacancies were released for various Technical Posts.
The RRB ALP has a basic pay scale of Rs. 19,900/- as per the second level of 7th pay commission.
The candidates selected for the post of RRB ALP 2025 will be required to carry out certain responsibilities as per the instructions of higher authorities such as:
Attending minor repairs of the locomotive, Fine tuning of the locomotive, calling out signal once sighted, checking the efficiency of locomotive on regular basis & so on.
The applicants must lie under the below age limit in order to apply for the post of RRB ALP 2025
o Min Age: 18 years
o Max Age: 33 years