LIC ADO 2025

LIC ADO 2025 Exam is an excellent chance for turning your dreams into reality! Get detailed information about LIC ADO 2025, Salary, Syllabus, Preparation Guide, Admit Card, Latest Exam Pattern and Exam Results. Boost your preparation journey with the Online Test Series now!


LIC ADO 2025 Exam


LIC ADO Notification 2025: Check Exam Dates, Exam Pattern, Cut-offs, Salary etc.

LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) is one of the India’s largest insurance company which offers LIC Career opportunities to thousands of young aspirants for joining the Insurance Sector as an Assistant Administrative Officer.

The Notification for the session 2025has not been released yet, however LIC has earlier released the LIC ADO Notification on the 21st January 2025whose recruitment process is still under process.

LIC ADO Recruitment 2025: Overview

Organization Name Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)
Post Name ADO (Apprentice Development Officers)
Total Vacancies Notified To be announced
Notification Release Date To be announced
Prelims Exam Date To be announced
Medium of Exam English/Hindi
Job Location Pan India

Exam Pattern

LIC ADO Exam Pattern 2025

Tier-I: LIC ADO 2025 Prelims Exam Pattern

The topics/questions asked in LIC ADO Exam 2025 are from Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English Comprehension and General Awareness whose details are tabulated below:

Sections Number of Questions Total Marks Medium of exam Duration
Reasoning 35 35 English & Hindi 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 35 35 English & Hindi 20 minutes
English Language** 30 30** English 20 minutes
Total 100 70 1 Hour (60 minutes)

** English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in English Language will not be counted for ranking. Candidates equal to 20 times of number of vacancies in each category, subject to availability, will be shortlisted for Main examination

Tier-II: LIC ADO Mains Exam Pattern 2025

Main Examination consisting of objective test will be conducted online. Main examination will consist of objective tests for 160 marks for a composite duration of 120 minutes.

Sr.No Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of exam Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability 50 50 English & Hindi composite duration of 120 minutes
2 General Knowledge,Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary 50 50 English & Hindi
3 Insurance and Financial Marketing Awareness with special emphasis on knowledge of Life Insurance and Financial Sector 60 60
Total 160 160 - -

For LIC Agents Category :

Sr.No Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of exam Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability 20 20 English & Hindi composite duration of 120 minutes
2 General Knowledge,Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary 20 20 English & Hindi
3 Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance. 60 120 English & Hindi
Total 100 160 - -

(ii) For LIC Employee Category :

Sr.No Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of exam Duration
1 Reasoning Ability & Numerical Ability 20 20 English & Hindi composite duration of 120 minutes
2 General Knowledge,Current Affairs and English Language with Special Emphasis on Grammar and vocabulary 20 20 English & Hindi
3 Elements of Insurance and Marketing of Insurance. 60 120 English & Hindi
Total 100 160 - -

LIC of India reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its website. Other detailed information regarding the examination will be given in an Information Handout which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letters from the LIC website Candidate MUST obtain minimum qualifying marks in each Section separately and should also obtain minimum marks in the aggregate to qualify for the examinations (Preliminary and Main) and in the interview. The minimum marks to be obtained in each paper and in the aggregate shall be decided by LIC of India. LIC of India reserves the right to fix the minimum qualifying marks in order to restrict the number of candidates to be called for the On-line Test and/or Interview, commensurate with the number of vacancies. The decision of LIC of India in this regard shall be final and binding on the candidates. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

The responses (answers) of individual candidates, with other candidates, would be analyzed to detect patterns of similarity of right and wrong answers. If in the analytical procedure adopted in this regard, it is inferred/concluded that the responses have been shared and scores obtained are not genuine/valid, LIC of India reserves the right to cancel the candidature of the concerned candidate and the result of such candidates (disqualified) will be withheld.

The scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using Equi percentile Equating Method.

1. Number of questions answered correctly by a candidate in each objective test is considered for arriving at the score.

2. The scores so obtained by a candidate will be made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective tests held in different sessions to arrive at the Equated Scores*.

(*Scores obtained by candidates on any test are equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms.)

3. The Test wise scores and the total score will be rounded upto two decimal digits.

3.There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. However, candidates are advised not to mark answers through random guessing.

The Scores of Examination are obtained by adopting the following procedure:
Tier-III: LIC ADO 2025Interview Round

The marks obtained in the main examination only, will be considered for shortlisting for the interview. will be considered for the final merit listing of the candidates.

I. Commensurate to the number of vacancies, LIC of India reserves the right to fix the eligibility standards and the minimum marks to qualify in the interview, in order to restrict the number candidates to be called for the interview. The maximum marks for the interview are 40.

II. In case of similar marks of two or more candidates, the merit order of such group of candidates shall be as per the aggregate marks in the main examination and the interview and further as per their post-graduation qualification (i.e. the person with any additional higher educational qualification will be placed higher in the merit order) and in case of further similarity in such educational qualification the merit order will be decided on the basis of age, (i.e. the senior in age will be placed higher in the merit order).

III. There will be no contingency/waiting list for candidates not declared successful in the main examination.


If more than one candidate has secured same marks in the Mains exam, the merit list shall be prepared according to the aggregate marks secured in the online main examination and in the interview along with their additional post-graduation qualification.

Exam Date

LIC ADO Exam Date 2025

The official notification for the session 2025for LIC ADO Recruitment 2025has not been released yet. The exam dates as per previous session is tabulated below:

Event Name Exam Dates
LIC ADO 2025 Notification To be announced
LIC ADO 2025 Notification To be announced
Online registration started on To be announced
Closure of online application To be announced
Download of Call letter for On-Line Examination (Tentative) To be announced
LIC ADO Prelims Exam Date To be announced
LIC ADO Mains Exam Date To be announced

How To Apply

LIC ADO Apply Online

A. Under "Careers" tab, click on the Recruitment Advertisement of "LIC ADO Recruitment 2025"

B. Now, carefully fill all your Personal Information and the required details

C. Open the official website of LIC (

Detailed guidelines/procedures for –

A. Application registration.

B. Payment of fees.

C.Document scan and upload.

Candidates can apply only online from To be announced and no other mode of application will be accepted.

D. Then, upload your scanned Photograph & click submit after filling all the details correctly.

E. Take a printout of the filled application form for future reference.

LIC ADO Application Fee

The Category wise Application fees for LIC ADO exam 2025 are given below.

Application fees / intimation charges (non-refundable) payment online:a soon as Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees/intimation charges will have to be borne by the candidate Candidate will have to make the payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Non-refundable) including GST, only through On-line mode as under:

Category Detail Application Charges
For SC/ST Candidates Intimation Charges of Rs. 100/- +Transaction Charges + GST
Other than SC/ST Candidates Online Application Fee-cum-Intimation Charges of Rs. 750/- +Transaction Charges + GST


LIC ADO Syllabus 2025

LIC ADO Prelims Syllabus 2025

LIC ADO Prelims Syllabus 2025 for Reasoning Ability:

Order and Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Puzzles, Direction Sense, Blood Relation, Syllogism, Seating Arrangements, Machine Input-Output, Inequalities, Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning

LIC ADO Prelims Syllabus 2025 for English Language:

Reading Comprehension, Fillers, Cloze Test, Sentence Errors, Sentence Improvement, Vocabulary based questions, Jumbled Paragraph, Word Usage, Phrase/Connectors, Paragraph related question (Para connectors, para completion, para restatement, paragraph inference, para filters

LIC ADO Prelims Syllabus 2025 for Quantitative Aptitude:

Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Radar/Web, Pie Chart), Inequalities (Quadratic Equations), Number Series, Approximation and Simplification, Data Sufficiency, Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains, Mixture and Alligation, Pipes and Cisterns).

LIC ADO Mains Syllabus 2025

Professional Knowledge:

The topics will be as per Posts which would be different for candidates applying for IT, Chartered Accountant, Actuarial, and Rajbhasha posts.

General Awareness:

History of India, Indian Economics, Indian Constitution, Geography, Important Days, Books and Authors, Awards, Honors and Recognition, Countries Capitals and Currencies, Science and Technology, Financial Institutions – National and International, National and International Organizations, Inventions and Discoveries, Finance, Budget, and Five-Year Plans, etc, Current Affairs National and International, Indian Politics

Data Analysis & Interpretation (For Generalists)

Elementary Mathematics, Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Data Handling, Data Derivation, Data Implementation

Insurance & Financial Market Awareness

Latest Policies, Development, Current Banking News & Events Related to Insurance & Financial Market, Business Topics, Finance Topic, History of Banking, History of Insurance, Financial Institutes, Terminologies & Derivations, Various Laws & Policies

Descriptive Test

This section shall include Letter Writing and Essay

Cut Offs

LIC ADO Previous Year Cut offs:

The LIC ADO Exam has certain qualifying marks for every stage of the exam i.e, in both the Prelims and Mains Examination. A candidate needs to clear the set cutoffs in order to secure a seat in LIC AAO.

Let’s have a look on the LIC ADO Prelims Cut off marks for 2019 which is tabulated below:

Category Name/ Subjects Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English Language Overall Cut off
General 18.00 18.00 10.00 58.00
SC 16.00 16.00 9.00 50.00
ST 16.00 16.00 9.00 44.00
OBC 18.00 18.00 10.00 54.00
EWS 18.00 18.00 10.00 53.00
LD 16.00 16.00 9.00 53.00
VI 16.00 16.00 9.00 53.00
HI 16.00 16.00 9.00 32.00
ID/MD 16.00 16.00 9.00 32.00

The LIC ADO Mains Cut off marks for 2019 is tabulated below:

Category Name/Subject Reasoning Ability General Knowledge, Current Affairs Professional Knowledge Insurance and Financial Market Awareness English Language Overall Cut off
General 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 203
SC 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 153
ST 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 156
OBC 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 164
EWS 45.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 10.00 166
LD 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 172
VI 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 180
HI 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 167
ID/MD 40.00 27.00 40.00 27.00 9.00 185

The final result of the LIC ADO consists of the marks obtained by candidates in Mains and in the Interview round. The category wise final cut off marks for LIC ADO Examination 2019 is tabulated below.

Category Name Interview Final Cut-off
General 30.00 258.00
SC 27.00 219.00
ST 27.00 190.00
OBC 30.00 246.00
EWS 30.00 248.00
LD - 203.00
VI - 233.00
HI - 218.00
ID/MD - 237.00


LIC ADO Vacancy 2025

The official notification for LIC ADO 2025 has not been released yet. as soon as announced .

LIC ADO Vacancy 2023

The official notification for LIC ADO 2023 has not been released yet. Let’s have a look on Previous year’s vacancy details to get an idea of forthcoming vacancies.

Region Vacancy
Central Zonal Office (Bhopal) 561
Eastern Zonal Office (Kolkata) 1049
East Central Zonal Office (Patna) 669
Northern Zonal Office (New Delhi) 1216
North Central Zonal Office (Kanpur) 1033
Southern Zonal Office (Chennai) 1516
South Central Zonal Office (Hyderabad) 1408
Western Zonal Office (Mumbai) 1942
Total 9394

Salary & Job Profile:

LIC ADO Recruitment 2025: Salary & Job Profile

The salary structure of LIC ADO employees is explained below:

Basic Pay INR ₹ 35650/- month
Increment(annual) INR 2200
Basic Pay after the Increment INR 37,850/month

Note: The annual increment of LIC ADO is INR 2200, for 2 years from joining date.

Other benefits include Gratuity, Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Insurance, Group Personal Accident Insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler), reimbursement towards cost of Brief Case/leather bag, mobile handset etc. as per rules . The Development officer may also become eligible for attractive performance linked Incentives, on confirmation in service.

LIC ADO 2025Job Profile:

The job profile of a LIC ADO employee is actually a desk job which consists of following activities:

a. To Supervise and fill claims and settlements of the customers.

b. Responsible for formulating new schemes and cross checking the already existing policies along with drafting new one.

c. LIC ADO does the regular inspection of existing facts and points out factual errors (if any).

d. Responsible for rendering assistance and coordinating with the respective team members along with other departments as well.

e. To Maintain cordial relations with the customers and providing solutions to their queries/issues.

f. Needs to complete the assigned tasks on time & inform to department authorities.

LIC ADO Eligibility Criteria 2025


The candidate must be either:
• A Citizen of India,
• A Subject of Nepal,
• A Subject of Bhutan,
• A Tibetan Refugee,
• or A person of Indian origin who had migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of settling in India permanently.

Age Limit:

The applicant’s age must be between 21 years to 30 years.

(i) The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age (in completed years) and not more than 30 years of age (in completed years) as on 01.01.2023, i.e. candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1993 and not later than 01.01.2002 (both days inclusive) as on 01.01.2023.

(ii) The upper age limit (in completed years) as on 01.01.2025of an applicant belonging to the group given below, shall not exceed the age mentioned below:-

The category wise Age Relaxation provided to eligible candidates are tabulated below:

Category Name Upper Age limit in years
LIC Employee who is not a member of SC or ST or OBC. 42 YEARS
LIC Employee who is a member of OBC (other than those in the creamy layer). 45 YEARS
LIC Employee who is a member of SC or ST. 47 YEARS
LIC Agent or other than Agent such as DSAs/FSEs, who is not a member of SC or ST or OBC. 40 YEARS
LIC Agent or other than Agent such as DSAs/ FSEs, who is a member of OBC (Other than those in the creamy layer). 43 YEARS
LIC Agent or other than Agent such as DSAs/ FSEs, who is a member of SC or ST. 45 YEARS
Member of OBC (other than those in the creamy layer). 33 YEARS
Education Qualification

The post wise qualification required from candidates are explained below:

Assistant Architect:

(i) For LIC Employees category and LIC Agents category, in both Urban and Rural area- Applicant should possess a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a recognized University in India established under a statute/approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.

(ii) An applicant from Others category (Open Market ) for recruitment as an Apprentice Development Officer, in both Urban and Rural area, should possess a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University in India established under a statute/ approved for the purpose or the Fellowship of Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai.
