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RBI Grade B 2025 Exam is an excellent chance for turning your dreams into reality! Get detailed information about RBI Grade B Exam Date 2025, Salary, Syllabus, Preparation Guide, Admit Card, Latest Exam Pattern and Exam Results. Boost your preparation journey with the Online Test Series now!
The RBI GRADE B 2025 notification has been released for candidates who are willing to join the Reserve bank of India as a grade B Officer.
Life with RBI is a commitment not just a career. This Commitment is about serving the Nation, where the decisions taken by you can make an impact on the way the economy and the financial sector in the country evolves.
RBI, every year announces the vacancies for Grade B officers across the country.
This year, RBI has announced a wii be soon for Grade B Posts.
This year, RBI has announced a total of 94 Posts for Grade B Posts.
Here is the list of posts:
Here we are providing the list of RBI GRADE B OFFICER Exam Centers, so that you can get an idea:
(Computer Based Examination / Online exam)
The Prelims & Mains Exams will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions only.
On the basis of Last year’s exam pattern the expected pattern for Prelims will be:
Based on aggregate marks obtained in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III of Phase II exam, candidates will be shortlisted for the interview.
Interview Process will carry 75 marks.
1. Candidate shall be required to undergo Psychometric Test conducted by the Bank before appearing for the Interview.
2. No marks will be allotted for the same and this will not form part of the final selection criteria.
3. Candidate may opt for interview either in Hindi or English.
4. Final Selection will be through merit list which will be prepared by adding marks secured by candidates in Phase II examination and interview and grace marks as applicable as per extant rules.
Please, carefully go through the important dates related to RBI GRADE B Exam 2025:
The application process for RBI Grade B exam is an important step towards applying for this job. You need to carefully fill the application form as any error might result into disqualification of your candidature.
Guidelines for Uploading Documents in RBI Grade B Application Form 2025
The guidelines for scanning and uploading documents of the RBI Grade B 2025 examination are tabulated below.
Growth and Development – Measurement of growth: National Income and per capita income – Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India – Sustainable Development and Environmental issues.
Indian Economy – Economic History of India - Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy, Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of 1991 – Priorities and recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget – Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy – Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process - Public Finance - Political Economy - Industrial Developments in India- Indian Agriculture - Services sector in India.
Globalization –Opening up of the Indian Economy – Balance of Payments, Export-Import Policy – International Economic Institutions – IMF and World Bank – WTO – Regional Economic Cooperation; International Economic Issues.
Social Structure in India –Multiculturalism – Demographic Trends – Urbanisation and Migration – Gender Issues – Social Justice: Positive Discrimination in favour of the under privileged – Social Movements – Indian Political System – Human Development – Social Sectors in India, Health and Education. Suggested reference material.
The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic.
a) Financial System
1. Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions
2. Reserve Bank of India- functions and conduct of monetary policy
3. Banking System in India – Structure and concerns, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, etc, Changing landscape of banking sector.
4. Impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-08 and the Indian response.
b) Financial Markets Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.
c) General Topics
1. Risk Management in Banking Sector
2. Basics of Derivatives
3. Global financial markets and International Banking – broad trends and latest developments.
4. Financial Inclusion
5. Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
6. Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, role of e-governance in addressing issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector.
7. The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
8. Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI - components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.
9. FinTech
d) Management:
Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour:
Introduction to management; Evolution of management thought: Scientific, Administrative, Human Relations and Systems approach to management; Management functions and Managerial roles; Nudge theory
Meaning & concept of organizational behaviour; Personality:
Meaning, factors affecting personality, Big five model of personality; concept of reinforcement; Perception: concept, perceptual errors. Motivation: Concept, importance, Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory) & Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vrooms expectancy theory).
Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Leadership; Emotional Intelligence:)
There will be 3 papers for the Examination.
1. Paper I Objective Type (on Economics)
2. Paper II & III (Descriptive Type)
As per the recently published notification, the vacancy detail is as soon as.
As per the recently published notification, the vacancy detail is tabulated below
The Category wise vacancy detail for PY 2025 is appended herewith:
Here is the detailed salary structure for RBI Grade B officer.
Along with the RBI Grade B salary, various other allowances are also provided to an Officer.
A candidate must be either:
(a) a citizen of India, or
(b) a subject of Nepal, or
(c) a subject of Bhutan, or
(d) a refugee belonging to Tibet who came to India, before the 1st January,1962, for being permanently settled in India, or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar),Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Minimum: 21 Years
Maximum: 30 Years
Note: The educational qualifications should be from a recognized University, Institution or College.
Keep checking for the link to download the RBI Grade B admit card.
Click here to download the admit card
Important Points for Entry:
A. Aadhaar Card/ Printout of E-Aadhaar,
B. Voter’s ID Card,
C. Driving License,
D. PAN Card,
E. Passport,
F. ID Card issued by University/ College/ School,
G. Employer ID Card (Govt./ PSU),
H. Ex-serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of Defence.
I. Any other photo bearing valid ID card issued by the Central/ State Government.
If we see the pattern for the last year, no change is observed in the exam pattern this year.
You must know about important topics to prepare for the exam.
How To Strengthen Weak Areas:
Clear the basic concepts.
Start working with easy question which leads to confidence and make you motivated when you get good marks.
Learn more and more short tricks:
After learning the basics, try to solve the questions in a short way. Learning short tricks initially takes much time but once are familiar with it helps you solve the questions within fraction of seconds. But Short tricks can be learnt only through a lot of practice.
Skip the difficult questions at initial stage:
At the initial stage of preparation avoid spending time on the questions which are difficult to solve.
Distribute the total time for each section:
These days every candidate has a mobile phone, keep the timer on while solving the question. Note down the time taken by you in solving various kinds of questions. According make the preference list to followed in the exam.
Become your own competitor:
Whenever you solve a set of questions and if it requires 30 minutes, try to solve them in 20 minutes. Initially you will not be able to manage but you know ‘practice makes a man perfect’
Finally, we would like to say that everything is possible if once you are determined to achieve it.