Item List:Item | QTY |
Descriptive Writing Book | 1 |
E-Book: Computer Knowledge | 1 |
E-MICA : Online Current Affairs | 1 |
IBPS RRB PO Online Test Series | 1 |
Interview Cracker For IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS RRB PO & SBI PO | 1 |
E-Book: IBPS RRB Hindi Grammar and Composition | 1 |
Bank Online Speed Test Video Solution | 1 |
IBPS RRB Notification 2022 : Click Here
A. IBPS RRB PO Prelims: Live Tests (with all India ranking analysis) & Video Solution
This feature facilitates you with the experience of real time exam (pre level) with Pan India rank analysis along with the explanation of every question in video format which helps you process and remember it better to boost achievement.
IBPS RRB PO Prelims: 10 Full-Length Mock Tests
Through this you will get to know the pattern and level of questions followed by the exam conducting body and accordingly you can judge your preparation.
IBPS RRB PO Topic-wise Practice Sets
This will improve your topic wise concept especially in those ones which carry a handsome marks in bunch. Once you gain grip on particular topic, your capability to solve the whole test will be good enough.
1. Reasoning Topic Wise Practice sets (30 + QUESTIONS IN EACH SET): Alphabetical and miscellaneous series, Coding and decoding, Direction and distance, Order and ranking, Decision making, Syllogism, Inequality, Sitting arrangement, Puzzle, Data sufficiency, Logical reasoning.
2. Quantitative Aptitude Topic-Wise Practice sets (30 + QUESTIONS IN EACH SET):
Data interpretation, Inequality, Number series, Probability, Permutation & Combination.
3. English Language Topic-wise Practice sets (30 + QUESTIONS IN EACH SET): Error Correction, Filler, RC, and Phrase Replacement & Cloze Test.
B. IBPS RRB PO Mains: Live Tests (with all India ranking analysis) & Video Solution
This feature facilitates you with the experience of real time exam (Mains level) with Pan India rank analysis along with the explanation of every question in video format which helps you process and remember it better to boost achievement.
IBPS RRB PO Mains: 10 Full-Length Mock Tests
Through this you will get to know the pattern and level of questions followed by the exam conducting body and accordingly you can judge your preparation.
E-Books: Master in Current Affairs
It contains news, information, awareness and various other things that have happened in six months. It covers topics like national, international, sports, business, education, appointments, agreements, obituary, science and technology, defense, politics and various other important news which are related to the exam.
E-Books: Computer eBook (Both English & Hindi)
This is the collection of the questions related to computer knowledge which are frequently asked in the exams.
Descriptive eBook (Only English)
Here, you will be provided with the most important topics in an explanatory way, which have higher chances to be asked in the exam. By going through this book you will be able to know how to start and conclude an essay, letter or précis in the very best way.
E-Books: Hindi Grammar and Composition
This Book bring you with most important topics of Hindi Subject that will be asked in RRB Mains Exam. It includes detailed concepts, solutions and expert analysis, Exercise based on previous papers, subject wise and topic-wise concepts in easy and comprehensible language.
Interview Cracker
Through this nicely designed book you will be able to get all the beneficial tips to crack your interview.
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